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Our services are designed to work in tandem with your accountant, not as a replacement for them. By using our expertise and working with you as a small business owner to get your business systems right, this will help your accountant and save you money in the long run!





Setups and Procedures: Business Books South West has seen the very good, the ordinary and the very bad of the business setups and procedures, and can help you organise the best systems so your business is as efficient as it can be.


Data Entry and Record Keeping: Data entry is a major part of our service, along with assisting you to get the records in order so the data entry is easier.


Balancing the Books: We'll help you get the books into balance and chase down the rogue balances.


Calculation and Analysis: Is the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet all foreign to you? We can show you what it means and analyse the bits that need to be analysed for your benefit.


A client contacted Business Books South West with a major problem. It was coming up to the end of financial year and the records were 'a bit messy'. The accountant was giving them no advice or service during the year and the client was entering their own data into MYOB but wasn't sure what they were doing was right and had an idea that the financial reports they were getting out of the software were wrong as well. Over the course of the next 14 months, that all changed:

> The old accountants were sacked and a new accountant recommended by Business Books South West was brought in.

> Mark from Business Books South West worked with the clients to correct the MYOB file and trained the admin manager how to do things correctly so the mess of the past could be avoided.

> The new accountant worked with the client and Business Books South West to finalise the correction of the MYOB file and lodge the outstanding tax return.

Now the client is happy that the MYOB file is correct and the admin manager is aware of how to do the data entry in the correct way, the financial reports are much more correct, and the admin manager knows that Business Books South West is there as a backup should something go wrong.



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